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Research Center for Biomimetic Sensing and Control
Update time: 2011-09-20
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Brief  Introduction

  Biomimetics, the science of imitating nature, is a growing multidisciplinary field which is now leading to the fabrication of novel materials, devices and systems with outstanding properties. The Research Center for Biomimetic Sensing and Control of the Institute of Intelligent Machines (IIM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was founded in 2005, aiming at initiate interdisciplinary study by integrating some research groups in the fields of biomimetics, sensors, robots, image processing, human-computer interaction and remote manipulation, network control, etc.. The goal of the center is to develop advanced sensors and instruments for public security, robot sensing and controlling, mechanical electrical system integration, etc. Facilities in the center are supported by National Key Laboratory of Sensing Technology and Anhui Key Laboratory of Biomimetic Sensing and Advanced Robotic Technology.



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