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About PR&AI
Update time: 2011-11-24
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   Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PR&AI) is a scientific journal, sponsored by China Association of Automation (CAA), National Research Center for Intelligent Computing System and Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The scope of PR&AI covers all important subjects related to pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, intelligent control and intelligent system. It strives to promote the development of information science.

   PR&AI started publication in 1989, bimonthly. Now, the journal, published by Science Press, covers 128 pages for each issue. The editor-in-chief is Prof. Ruwei Dai, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

   PR&AI has been indexed by Engineering Index (EI) Page One Database since 1995 and by EI Compendex since 2008. Furthermore, the journal has been included by A Guide to the Core Journals of China as the core journal in the field of automation and computer science since 1992, and has been regarded as one of Chinese important journals for degree and graduate education appointed by Ministry of Education in 1998. From1999 to 2000, the journal has been supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China. And as one of Chinese key scientific journals, it has been supported by China Association for Science and Technology in 2010, and successively in 2011. The impact factor of the journal has been in front rank of its scientific scope in recent years, and the journal has great influence on artificial intelligence science in China.

   The journal falls into the following four columns: Papers and Reports, Surveys and Reviews, Research and Applications, Information and News.

   The Journal is intended to serve for scientists, engineers, technicians in this field, as well as teachers and students of related areas from colleges and universities.

Website: http://manu12.magtech.com.cn/Jweb_prai/EN/volumn/home.shtml


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