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Int’l Cooperation News
Professor Idaku Ishii from Hiroshima University Visited Institute of Intelligent Machines 2019-05-06
Dr. YANG Meng won the 12th ORGANO WATER PRIZE 2018-07-27
Prof. LI Lina Visited Institute of Intelligent Machines and Given an Academic Report 2018-07-26
IIM Sponsored 2018 China Unmanned Ship Science and Technology Innovation Forum Successf... 2018-06-05
Prof. WANG Leyu Was Invited to Give an Academic Report at Innovation Forum of Institute... 2018-05-25
Prof. TANG Yong from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2018-04-23
Prof. CHEN Xuegeng, an Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, visited IIM 2018-04-13
The First Unmanned Intelligent Patrol Craft of China Showed Its First Cruise on Swan Lake 2017-07-10
Prof. CHEN Aicheng from Lakehead UniversityVisited IIM 2017-06-21
IIM Scientists Attended the Opening Ceremony of the First Campus Science and Technology... 2017-05-16
The Seminar Featuring the Design of “Portable Kit for Identification and Detection of ... 2017-05-04
Prof. ZHANG Jinzhong from University of California Santa Cruz Visited IIM 2016-09-23
Prof. Gongming Wang from University of Science and Technology of China visited IIM 2016-09-20
Prof. WANG Jiahai from Shandong University Visited IIM 2016-05-23
Prof. XU Yuxi from Fudan University Visited IIM 2016-04-18
Prof. ZHANG Fan from Fudan University Visited IIM 2016-04-18
Prof. Bo Zhang from University of Washington Visited IIM 2015-08-21
Prof. Xiaoqing Pan from University of Michigan Visited IIM 2014-09-10
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