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Prof. CHEN Aicheng from Lakehead UniversityVisited IIM
Author: YANG Meng
Update time: 2017-06-21
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Prof. CHEN Aicheng  from Department of Chemistry, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada was invited to visit Institute of Intelligent Machines (IIM), Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences on June 20th.


Prof. CHEN’s research interests cover the areas of electrochemistry, green chemistry, biosensors, materials science and nanotechnology. Prof. CHEN gave a lecture titled “Design and Electrochemical Study of Nanomaterials for Green Chemistry and Biosensing Applications”.


In the lecture, Prof. CHEN briefly illustrated the electrocatalytic activity of Pd-based nanomaterials and graphene-based nanocomposites as well as the catalysis of TiO2-based nanostructured photocatalysts. Then, he introduced several exceptional properties of Pd and its promising applications in hydrogen purification, storage and detection.


He considered Pd based nanomaterials played a significant role in facilitating the growth of a hydrogen economy. Besides, he pointed out TiO2 would be high-performance photocatalysts due to their non-toxicity, high catalytic activity and cost effectiveness. Finally, he talked about the development of nanomaterials based electrochemical biosensors for biological and medical applications.


Prof. Aicheng CHEN is Canada Research Chair at the Department of Chemistry, Lakehead University in Canada. He has published 175 peer-reviewed journal articles, authored 100 industrial technical reports and delivered over 110 invited lectures. He serves as the chairman of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Canadian Section and the Canada Regional Representative of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE). He is also an associate editor of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry and Electrochimic Acta.


Prof. CHEN has received a number of research awards, including the Ontario Premier’s Research Excellence Award (2003), the Lash Miller Award of The Electrochemical Society Canadian Section (2009), the NSERC DAS Award (2010), the Keith Laidler Award of CSC (2012), the Lakehead University Distinguished Researcher Award (2013), the RBC Innovation Award (2015), and the W.A.E. McBryde Medal of CSC (2016).  Prof. CHEN has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK in 2011, a Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (FISE) in 2014 and a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC) in 2017.



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