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Shed Light on Plasmonic Metal Nanomaterials for Sensing and Cancer Therapy
Update time: 2013-09-16
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Topic: Shed Light on Plasmonic Metal Nanomaterials for Sensing and Cancer Therapy

Reporter:Jin Zhong Zhang from University of California Santa Cruz, USA, Senior Editor for JPC

Host:Research Fellow Zhongping Zhang

Time:9:30a.m.,Tuesday, Sep. 17th, 2013

Address:Lecture Hall (Six Floor of IIM)


Nanomaterials are of strong interest for both fundamental and technological reasons.  At the fundamental level, nanomaterials possess novel physical and chemical properties that differ from those of bulk matter due to quantum confinement effect and exceedingly large surface-to-volume ratio.  These novel properties are highly promising for applications in emerging technologies. Our lab has been actively engaged in the study of optical and dynamic properties of nanomaterials of both semiconductor and metal for solar energy conversion, solid state lighting, sensing, and biomedical applications. As a specific example, my lab has been actively involved in the design and characterization of metal nanostructures for chemical sensing based on surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and biomedical therapy. We combined SERS with various optical fibers to generate a convenient platform for sensing with molecular specificity and high sensitivity.  In particular, we have developed a novel hollow gold nanosphere (HGN) system that has demonstrated outstanding photophysical properties for SERS sensing as well as for photothermal ablation therapy of cancer both in vitro and in vivo, due to their unique structural and optical characteristics.  I will describe recent progress in the reproducible synthesis of HGNs, which has been a challenging issue for years.



Jin Zhong Zhang received his B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1983 and his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from University of Washington, Seattle in 1989. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at University of California Berkeley from 1989 to 1992.  In 1992, he joined the faculty at UC Santa Cruz, where he is currently full professor of chemistry and biochemistry.  Zhang’s recent research interests focus on design, synthesis, characterization, and exploration of applications of advanced materials including semiconductor, metal, and metal oxide nanomaterials, particularly in the areas of solar energy conversion and biomedical detection/therapy. He has authored over 240 publications and three books.  Zhang has been serving as a senior editor for JPC published by ACS since 2004.  He is a Fellow of AAAS, APS, and ACS.


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