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Nanocomposite Film Contributes to Efficient Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy 2017-02-22
IIM Researchers Explored the Enhanced Electrochemical Sensing Arsenic(III) Using Amino-... 2017-02-17
Researchers Designed Nano-sensors with High Sensitivity and Stability of Gas-Sensing Pe... 2017-01-21
IIM Researchers Developed a Promising Adsorbent for the Removal of Extensive Pollutants... 2017-01-15
IIM Researchers Published an Invited Review in Catalysts 2017-01-12
IIM Researchers Developed High Capacity Three-Dimensional Graphene-Based Li-Ion Batteries 2016-10-14
Reliable Detection of Trace Arsenic(III) Considering the Change of Arsenic Speciation 2016-10-13
IIM Explored the Sensitivity and Selectivity Sensing Cadmium(II) Using Amino-Functional... 2016-09-22
Enhanced Detection of Cd(II) without Interference in Rice by Electrochemical Laser Indu... 2016-09-14
IIM Realizes a Sensing Interface for Sensitive Detection of Pb(II) Using Thick Titaniu... 2016-09-06
IIM Made Significant Progresses in Pattern Classification 2016-07-21
Functionalized Porous Si Nanowires Realize Selective and Simultaneous Electrochemical D... 2016-07-15
IIM Researchers Make a Series of Progresses on Nanostructured Electrodes Applied in Hig... 2016-06-22
IIM Developed a Color-Multiplexing-Based Fluorescent Test Paper with Dosage-Sensitive V... 2016-06-08
Researchers Explored the Electrochemical Analysis Behavior Toward Arsenic(III) with Nan... 2016-05-23
IIM Researchers Explored the Electrochemical Analysis Mechanism Toward Arsenic(III) wit... 2016-05-11
IIM Designed Reversible Fluorescent Probe for Selective Detection and Cell Imaging of O... 2016-05-06
Ultrathin Materials Improve the Electrochemical Response of As(III) 2016-04-28
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